The Erin Baseball Club is looking to grow, and being a coach is a mutually rewarding experience for you and the players. The coaching director will teach you the skills needed to assist your instruction and observations. One of the goals of this club is to have common language, drills, and situational play so that our athletes have consistent development as they move through the divisions. In addition to assisting with practices and coaching games, coaches are responsible for communicating with their team's parents. Regardless of your experience with baseball, there is a place for you. Coaching counts towards your volunteer requirement.
Upper Division team managers would handle essential activities for a team during home or away games such as updating the Game Changer App during games, ensuring the batting order is followed, or operating the scoreboard. As a team manager, you will be doing an activity that would allow you to watch your athlete play their game. You can always offer to assist the coaches by helping with additional tasks. Teams are not limited to one team manager and older siblings (7th grade of higher) could be a team manager. Managing counts towards your volunteer requirement.
Lower Division team managers would assist your team during home or away games by helping the coaches with making sure players bat in the proper order, have the correct equipment on, and stay orderly on the benches. Since we don't use the Game Changer App for Lower Division games, operating the scoreboard would be another option. Teams are not limited to one team manager, and older siblings (7th grade or higher) could be a team manager. Managing counts towards your volunteer requirement.
The Erin Baseball Club's Board consists of up to 9 members, terms are two years (October-September). Each member will have specific roles overseeing different aspects such as coaching, umpires, social media, webmaster, registration, fundraising, treasurer, safety, uniforms, equipment, field preparation, and capital projects. In addition to these specific tasks, board members will be responsible for managing all business aspects of the organization. Our goal is to minimize the amount of time required to be a board member, but not dilute the oversight of the club. Time on Board counts towards your volunteer requirement.